Popular Music The response of the recording industry to file sharing has been a negative one, hopefully with positive outcomes. In simple terms file sharing is as it sounds; the giving away of files for free. You could download music, movies, many files at no cost. This also means that the artists that created these files whatever they may be are getting nothing for their work. Napster, and Kazaa are some of the most well known sites that did this. As this began causing problems the record industry was successful in getting these companies shut down in court. I do not believe the 2013 ruling against Jammie Thomas will completely hault file sharing. The internet is much like the ocean, no can really control it completely. It is this weird place that can't be monitored as easily as everything else in our world. I do believe that it will bring notice to the fact that it is still happening and is definitely not okay. This is good. Since using the "cloud" to st...
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